Chips & Chat

What an incredible Chips and Chat session we had, diving deep into the latest updates, resources, and expectations for 8th grade success in reading and math!


Testing Insights:

We explored upcoming assessments and equipped parents with valuable tools to support their children's test preparation. Knowledge is indeed power, and we're arming our students for success!

Academic Expectations:

We unveiled the expectations for 8th-grade reading and math, sharing insights into the curriculum, key milestones, and strategies for academic triumph.

Positive Behaviors:

Together, we delved into the positive behaviors that create a conducive learning environment. Our shared goal is to nurture an environment where every student can thrive emotionally and academically.

Counseling Support:

Parents gained insights into the counseling resources available, ensuring a holistic approach to our students' development. Our counselor is dedicated to fostering positive school experiences.

Encouraging Reflections:

In the journey ahead, we emphasized that every challenge is an opportunity to grow. Your unwavering support and encouragement make a world of difference. Together, we're instilling a mindset of resilience, curiosity, and kindness in our 8th graders.

Thank you to everyone who attended! Your presence and engagement are pivotal in building a thriving academic community. Let's continue this journey together, fueled by shared knowledge, positivity, and a collective commitment to our students' success!



Photos By: Rakyah Watkins, Technology Instructional Specialist